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Kyle Payne, PhD

Coach - Facilitator - Consultant


Individual Coaching

Individual coaching is about helping you overcome what's holding you back from the life you want to live. Let's put you in the driver's seat to a more fulfilling way of being.


Team Coaching

Team coaching enables members of the team to listen to each other and appreciate individual strengths and contributions. I can help your team work through obstacles and deliver results.


Instructor-Led Training

These sessions are highly interactive and are focused on practical tools that participants can immediately apply on the job.


AISC Certification Prep

AISC certification doesn't have to be a headache. I can offer technical expertise and world-class auditing techniques to set you up for success.

Therapy Sessions
My Approach to Coaching

There are many coaches who are known for driving action, and there are plenty of tools available to help cut through analysis paralysis. What I find exciting is how naturally action can flow when we truly understand who we are and what we want from life. 

About Kyle

Kyle is a strategic talent development leader and consultant with fifteen years of experience driving process improvement and behavior change through training, coaching, and consultation.

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